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Redacted White Paper:  DARPA Development of
Nuclear Accelerated Generators
for the United States Military


Executive Engineering
July 30, 2006


Patent Number: PTO Classified

Patent File: PTO Classified

Manufacturing Process: DOD Classified

Isotope Process: DOE Classified 


The Thesis:

 The thesis of this white paper is that DARPA should actively participate in the development of a new generation of power-generating devices based on the concept of producing electrical power from radio isotopic fuel sources.  Such devices, known as Nuclear Accelerated Generators (NAG's), represent an entirely new and innovative way at looking at the way electrical power is created.  It is alleged by Executive Engineering that recent innovations in materials and technology have made such devices feasible to generate both exceedingly large and exceptionally small amounts of electrical power and to do it more efficiently, over a longer period of time and with fewer breakdowns than conventional technologies now being utilized.  Currently the MEMS laboratory is utilizing the advanced techniques necessary for the fabrication of the NAG devices.

 Such Nuclear Accelerated Generators should make ideal power sources for use by the military for the simple reason that they are completely scalable; that is, they can be used equally well to produce small amounts of power in the 1-milliwatt range or large amounts of power in the 5-Megawatt range.


 Due to the fact that the United Sates military depends, to a large extent, on the use of high-technology devices to maintain superiority over potential enemies, the combined armed forces consume massive mounts of fuel to meet their need for power.  Such needs run the gamut from small, hand-held devices designed for individual soldiers all the way to the large engines that propel planes, tanks and ships.  In all of these cases, the military expends a great deal of resources in gathering, storing, shipping and utilizing the various types of fuel for these devices. 

 Individual soldiers, and their respective units on the ground, often must carry many extra pounds of batteries into the field to ensure that power is available for such things as night vision goggles, laser scopes for weapons, computers, radios and a host of other small devices.  At the other end of the spectrum, the military also utilizes enormous resources to ensure adequate fuel supplies for tanks, planes and ships whenever and wherever they are needed.   It is often the case that Army tanks and other large vehicles are followed by whole convoys of tankers carrying the fuel they need.  Utilization of the NAG devices to provide power would make this a moot point. Since there would be no need whatsoever for any fuel, there would be no need for any expenditures on fuel tankers, tanker trucks, storage facilities or, even, batteries for the smaller devices.

 Likewise, pilots of both combat and cargo planes must also keep a constant eye on their fuel gauges so as not to outrun their respective fuel sources.  Often, they are refueled in the air to avoid running out of fuel.  The weight-to-power ratio of the NAG would allow it to power both combat and cargo planes with no fueling ever required. 

 In fact, widespread use of the NAG to provide power for industrial, civilian and military applications would eliminate both chronic fuel shortages as well as diminishing the ever-spiraling cost of traditional fuel sources.

Along with its great versatility, one of the greatest advantages of the NAG is its economy of use.  For instance, the NAG technology would virtually eliminate dependence on conventional power sources such as fuel cells, solar cells, fossil fuel engines and diesel engines.  Not only would the NAG eliminate all these sources of power but it would do it far less expensively than current technology allows.

 Previous attempts have been attempted for the use of nuclear power.  Beginning with Dr. Paul Brown back in the 1980's, sporadic attempts have been made to create isotopic nuclear batteries. Other than RTG, all such attempts have failed.  Dr. Brown had innovative ideas but, ultimately, he could not make it work.  Although his device represented a new concept in power, his experiments, nevertheless, failed primarily due to an unacceptably high rate of mean time between failures.

 The Nuclear Accelerated Generator (NAG):  The First Generation

 Executive Engineering has had, and continues to have, a close working relationship with the energy industry for ten years.  This relationship has proven beneficial in that Executive Engineering has had inside information concerning many of the latest developments in the energy field, particularly as they relate to devices to store energy and to power vehicles.  It was knowledge gained during work on these devices (particularly the failures encountered with conventional approaches) that ultimately led to the development of the NAG. 


Fuel Source:

Since isotopes are the fuel of all Nuclear Accelerated Generators, a quick note about radioactive isotopes is in order.  Radioactive isotopes are continually being produced as part of radioactive waste.  Current estimates place the amount of such waste in the United States at over 100 million gallons.  They are being stored in "temporary" tanks, at underground sites at great expense to the taxpayers and at serious hazard to the environment for the simple reason that nobody, to date, has discovered large-scale practical uses for them.  People in the industry have told Executive Engineering, developer of the NAG, that if these isotopes were ever needed, they could be easily extracted in bulk quantities from nuclear waste and the cost of this process would decrease dramatically.  Isotope production at existing levels costs less than the current cost of fuel even if only assuming longevity of one half life and no trade-in value.  With numerous half lives of many isotopes quite possible and trade-in values factored in, the cost advantage of the isotopic fuel is even more pronounced.   Further, as the demand for isotopes inevitably grows, the costs associated with their production will only decrease.

 Once placed as fuel into a NAG, these radioactive fuels could theoretically last from approximately three years to more than 400 years before needing to be replaced.  No additional, outside electrical power is ever needed; the NAG is completely and totally self-sustaining.  Further, due to the unique design of the NAG, there is virtually no danger of meltdowns and absolutely no danger of explosions or other catastrophic incidents.  The device can stop working or can be shut down for maintenance with no concomitant danger to personnel, the environment or nearby population centers.

 The fuel source of the Nuclear Accelerated Generator (NAG) is a radioisotope.  There are, in fact, many different isotopes that can be used as a power source for the NAG.  Pure beta emitters work best in the device and will extend the device's life the longest. Included in this list would be such isotopes as NI-63, SR-90, PM-147, and SN-121m. All appear to have the ideal properties for the production of power. In fact, most such isotopes have at least 10 half-lives.  Assuming an active lifespan of three to 100 years, most isotopes would have at least 10 half lives worth of useful energy discharge.  This gives them trade-in value as well as their energy value. 

It is clear that the days of rocket engines and fossil fuels are over.  Nuclear isotopic power will bring to fruition such things as particle beam weapons, ion-powered space planes, nuclear powered jet aircraft, high-powered laser canons, nuclear powered tanks, nuclear powered naval ships and, even, cryogenic coolers.   Nag devices could also be easily adapted to power large metropolitan areas, forward military bases and any other application where dependable power is needed in remote areas for any reason.   Not only can the NAG devices do all these things, it can do it cheaper and more efficiently than current technology.  In short the only limitation is the imagination brought to bear on the issue. 

Power Comparison

 A comparison of the current RTG thermal conversion rate compared to the conversion rate of the NAG will quickly reveal the advantages of the NAG.  Current RTG efficiency equals approximately 3% - 10% meaning 33 curies of isotopic fuel will yield about 1 watt of thermal power.  The NAG device, as developed by Executive Engineering, is approximately 60% - 80% efficient so that that same 33 curies of isotopic fuel will yield about 380 watts of power.  In other words, the NAG devices require ~400 times less isotopic fuel to yield the same power as the current RTG.  A comparison of pure isotope heat power @ 3% with the NAG's power in watts reveals that this number is then 100,000 less isotopic fuel.

 Advantages of Utilizing The Nuclear Accelerated Generator (NAG):

 It is asserted by Executive Engineering that use of the NAG to generate electricity would accrue several specific and significant benefits. 


Entirely Self-Contained

Since the Isotope supplies all the power the device requires to operate no outside power source are needed. 

Oil Dependency

In the first place, if a significant portion of the generating capacity of the United States was switched over to this type of device, a significant percentage of foreign oil dependence could be eliminated.  This, in turn, could lead to a steady decrease in the price of fossil fuels, including oil and gas.  Estimates vary wildly on how many years the world's oil reserves will last but it is admitted by everyone that the amount of reserves is finite; they will eventually run out.  The NAG represents a new class of generating devices poised to fill the gap, both to delay the depletion of the oil reserves and to take over when they eventually run out.



It is asserted by Executive Engineering that there are several other significant attributes that make the NAG far safer than conventional facilities.  First, the NAG needs no large-scale containment building or special shielding.  The NAG has absolutely no external emissions and produces no contaminated steam that can leak.  It also produces no nuclear waste on its own; to the contrary, it utilizes nuclear waste for its own fuel.  Also, the NAG cannot produce any contaminated water since no water (or other liquid) comes in contact with the nuclear material.  The nuclear fuel for the NAG is solid and there are no rods that need to be adjusted to produce different power levels.  Lastly, and possibly most important, the radioactive isotopes that power the NAG do not need to be cooled.  The NAG is not, in and of itself, a heat-producing device as is a conventional nuclear facility.  One gram of Strontium 90 (a potential and likely fuel for the NAG) can produce 1,590 watts of power and .54 watts of heat.


Perhaps the most important aspect of the NAG is its adaptability to widely differing applications, both civilian and military.  For instance, this device should easily be able to handle the electrical generating tasks for large metropolitan and rural areas alike.  However, since this technology is truly scalable, there should be no problem adapting it to power other things as well, including virtually any ship in the Navy.  This could mean, for instance, that whole fleets could sail for years without needing to refuel.  The small size of the NAG should make it quite feasible to retrofit existing ships with this new power supply.  Executive Engineering also believes that versions of the NAG could be made to power other large military vehicles such as tanks and armored personnel carriers. 

It is seriously suggested that tanks, fitted with NAG power supplies, could run for years without the need to worry about expensive and cumbersome fuel re-supply efforts.  Other military uses could include the ability to parachute smaller NAGs directly into the field to supply the power needs for forward military bases, military hospitals and other such needs, all without the need for fuel/fuel tanks/trucks.

Civilian uses could include instances of disaster relief in such cases where large areas of land have been devastated by natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes.  NAGs could be transported or dropped in to provide quick, efficient power for relief teams.

Also, unlike conventional devices, the NAG can work under a wide range of external conditions, ranging from many degrees above zero to many degrees below zero.  Simply put, this device should work equally well in the Antarctic or the Sahara.

The isotopic fuel of the NAG can easily be transferred from one device to another allowing for quick transfer and minimal loss of power.  For instance, if an NAG were to become damaged for one reason or another, the old/damaged one could be unhooked from the device, and a new one attached with very little effort; even in the field.



There are other advantages to using radioactive isotopes as fuel.  Since the availability of the atomic isotopes is more than ample, costs of this fuel should be considerably less than either conventional atomic fuel or fossil fuel.  Further, since the casement of the NAG is not very expensive, the cost of replacing damaged and/or broken parts is quite small.  It is, relatively speaking, a low-cost replacement device.



It is further asserted that this NAG technology could produce ~30-50 times more power than conventional nuclear technology.  This is not a guess; it has been well established in experiments.  This could mean that, to produce a given amount of power, a facility could be built far smaller (and, therefore, much cheaper) than existing nuclear or fossil-fuel power plants.

It is admitted that much of this sounds too good to be true but Executive Engineering is convinced that this device, although totally new in concept, is based on hard science and can be developed to produce exactly what is claimed.  It is firmly believed that research will bear out each and every one of the statements made on its behalf.


Radiological Damage

There is no such thing as a safe isotope as even a few molecules of particular isotopes over a long time can be damaging.  From the perspective of a conventional nuclear power plant, however, a NAG is one of the safest devices on the planet. You cannot get a meltdown situation, blow it up, or use the isotope to make a bomb.  From an emission point of view, it is a safe device to handle. The device is self-contained with little or no X-Rays whether in operation or not in operation. No Beta particles are ever emitted outside the casing of the device.

There are some isotopes that do emit Gamma radiation and, in those rare cases, it may become necessary to add shielding for the Gamma rays.  Most of the isotopes being considered for the NAG devices do not emit Gamma rays and, therefore, do not carry this burden.   Basically, the only possible way for a person to get sick from this device would be for him to physically pry the device open and breathe from inside it.  A distance of two to ten feet from the device is quite sufficient to protect personnel from danger even if it were to be shot open or exploded.  The only danger would be if the isotope actually entered a person's body or came in prolonged contact with the skin.


Repair and Maintenance

It is reasonably expected that both these NAG devices should have a 10-year life span after which time the nuclear source would be removed and replaced.  It is an easy task to replace either the nuclear source or the Power Core.  Generally, it is expected that, over the five to ten-year life span, the Power Core will become damaged from the constant bombardment of the Beta particles and would need to be replaced.  Unlike current RTG's, a NAG device does not require the source to be in contact with the walls of the device.  The source is mounted in the middle and the removal and reinsertion is an easy task requiring very little time or effort.  The exchange would involve a snap-in/snap-out operation using safety procedures to ensure correct operation. 



 The Nuclear Accelerated Generator (NAG) is believed to represent an entirely new concept in power generation.  It is asserted that this device can and will produce stationary power sufficient for the needs of large cities or military bases. It is also asserted that the NAG offers the only true scalable source of power; one that can provide power to a whole range of applications ranging from small, hand-held devices carried by individual soldiers to large military equipment including ships, planes, tanks, armored personnel carriers and even applications as the power supply for particle beam weapons.  It is designed to be portable, durable, self-sustaining, safe and, above all, powerful. 


Final Note:

 This article is intended to offer a preview of the Nuclear Accelerated Generator.  It is not meant to be an all-inclusive report on how it has been developed and how it would be manufactured.   Those details, while undoubtedly of great interest will, of necessity, remain confidential. 

It should be noted that the NAG device has been patented and the patent number, also, will remain confidential.  The Nuclear Accelerated Generator is, in its entirety, 100% the proprietary property of Executive Engineering of Florida.